Core DTE Modules

SQAaaS platform


Platform for quality assessment and awarding of multiple digital objects (source code, services, data)

Value proposition Provide a module for quality validation within the interTwin’s DTE

Release Notes

Several minor releases have been delivered for each SQAaaS component during the interTwin first 12 months (API server: 2.11.x through 2.17.2, Web: 2.0.0 through 2.9.0). Those related to interTwin project requirements include:

  • Support for assessing private repositories through GitHub personal tokens,
  • Enhancement of data FAIR analysis by offering hints to improve not fulfilled criteria,
  • Improve metadata of digital badges.

Future Plans

The next steps for T6.2 are:

  • Extend the current type of assessments (custom assessments) to deal with specific requirements on model validation and data quality of the existing use cases, in particular those participating in T6.2 and T6.5.
  • Integrate the SQAaaS platform with the WfMS technologies being supported by T6.1, such as CWL.