
The interTwin Digital Twin Engine: Discover the Environment Use Cases

interTwin is co-designing its Digital Twin Engine( DTE) together with use cases representatives from research communities in various  fields including environmental sciences/climate change.
These use cases are developing DT Applications  which will benefit from the multi-domain Digital Twin Engine (DTE) software components and computing infrastructure.
During this webinar, the project and the Digital Twin Engine will be introduced and use case leads will guide the audience through the goal and implementation status of their DT Applications


Introduction:  Charis Chatzykyriakou (EODC)

Use Case Leads:

  • Donatello Elia (CMCC)
  • Christian Pagé (CERFACS)
  • Björn Backeberg (Deltares)
  • Iacopo Ferrario (EURAC)



Related Use Cases:

interTwin Use Case: A Digital Twin for Drought Early Warning in the Alps

Developing the components to set up a Drought Early Warning System for the Alps

interTwin Use Case: A Digital Twin for projecting the occurrence of tropical cyclones due to climate change

Designing Deep neural networks (DNNs) to create Digital Twins capable of detecting tropical cyclones...

interTwin Use Case: A Digital Twin for Flood Early Warning in coastal and inland regions

Developing the components to set up a Digital Twins for flood early warning in coastal...

interTwin Use Case: A Digital Twin for projecting wildfire danger due to climate change

Defining deep neural networks (DNNs) for creating Digital Twins for predicting fire danger on climate...

interTwin Use Case: Deploying FloodAdapt, a Digital Twin for flood impact modelling, anywhere on earth

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