Core DTE Modules



An API that supports the management of workflows, job handling, and linking to data sources and processing capabilities on compatible cloud platform providers in a standardised way.

openEO is an application programming interface (API) that supports i) the management of workflows, ii) job handling, and iii) linking to data sources and processing capabilities on compatible cloud platform providers in a standardised way.

openEO can be extended to support execution of containerized software packages as execution of specific processes following the OGC API processes approach. openEO has many implementations, but a specific set of them can be selected for handling workflows in interTwin.

Release Notes

For the interTwin project a specific deployment has been composed that i) bases on the available open-source components under the openEO’s GitHub repository and that ii) allows the further integration of new component types into the workflows, based on the openEO process graphs. Those new types to be integrated are set up as the so-called application packages that are defined by the EOEPCA architecture and that are used in the OGC standard (e.g. as the OGC API processes). A first prototype has been developed integrating one specific processor in this way, based on the wflow hydrological model. Furthermore, parts of the use case on flood mapping based on the Global Flood Mapping algorithm, have also been ported to openEO.

Future Plans

This first process can act as a template for other thematic modules, to be defined and set up the same way and then to be executed. Ideally, new components should also be developed to interact with the other core components (e.g. with the iTwinAI package) That could probably also fully be described in this way. Also, a connection to the OSCAR and dCNiOS event-driven triggering of workflows is foreseen, so that event can trigger the execution of openEO process graphs. As a next step, a TOSCA template for this environment should be developed.


Target Audience

Earth Observation Data Scientists