
D7.4 First version of the thematic modules for the physics domain

D7.4 publicly available

This report describes the status of development of thematic modules that have been identified at this stage of the project to support the development of Digital Twins in the physics domain.

It is a collective document written by the scientists developing these thematic modules. The use cases served by these modules cover high energy physics, radio astronomy, and gravitational wave astronomy. The modules will be integrated into the Digital Twin Engine (DTE) that forms an important part of the interTwin project.

Each module’s functionality is described and contextualised by reference to the relevant DT and its use cases. Included is a technical summary of each software module that includes basic information such as its software licence and release notes.


The deliverable is publicly available on Zenodo



Lead partner: CSIC

WP7 Digital Twin Engine Thematic Modules