These ansible playbooks are used by the TOSCA templates defined in section 2.4.2 in order to perform the actual deployments on cloud nodes.
Value proposition TOSCA templates refer to these artefacts to enable the configuration of the Big Data Analytics tools using the Ansible tool.
Release Notes
Artefacts created:
- KubeFlow, Kafka on docker compose, Kafka on Kubernetes, CernVMFS and MLFlow, see section 2..4.2.1 for the description of the components.
Future Plans
Some of the artefacts are in an early stage (Kafka and MLFlow) and need to be validated by users with experience, using these tools to also validate the functionality of the deployed infrastructure. Other artefacts are more mature but may need some additions to improve them. Finally, further templates need to be created (e.g. for the openEO compatible back-ends).