
interTwin aims at designing and building a prototype of an interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine (DTE), based on a co-designed Blueprint Architecture.




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Project details

interTwin co-designs and implements the prototype of an interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine (DTE) – an open source platform based on open standards that offers the capability to integrate with application-specific Digital Twins (DTs). Its functional specifications and implementation are based on a co-designed interoperability framework and conceptual model of a DT for research – the DTE blueprint architecture. The ambition of interTwin is to create consensus on a common approach to the implementation of DTs that is applicable across the whole spectrum of scientific disciplines that will facilitate developments and interoperability across different DTs.

Grant agreement

The interTwin project is funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Programme – Grant Agreement number 101058386

Start - End Date

01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025

Total Budget

€ 11,731,665.00

Project Coordinator

EGI Foundation

interTwin project on the EGI Infrastructure